#burnin x fuyumi
z-mizcellaneous-z · 2 years
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epickiya722 · 2 years
as my favorite mirko-loving mutual, i have a very Important and Serious question to ask (/lh):
what are your thoughts
on Mirko x Burnin x Fuyumi
poly shitttttttttttttttt /pos
Give me a sec because I'm about to scream!
My first Miruko ship is Miruko/Fuyumi, still love it. Now I'm fixated on Miruko/Burnin! Fuyumi with Burnin, oh most definitely! Fire and Ice, baby!
All three together?!
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eliseuocscreator · 7 days
Some fun facts and Headcanons about my BNHA(MHA) Oc, Lukah Todoroki(AKA Borealis)
Fun Facts:
Originally, I thought about making a quirk of him, of radiation (he would be a walking nuclear power plant, in which he could make radiation blasts, combining heat + radiation/atomic. And his quirk, just like the plasma quirk, would have the color of his hair that would change and eyes too (when he uses his quirk, and I also thought, his veins glow too while he uses a limb of the body carrying a projectile/blast of radiation beam), and what I would change in the radiation quirk, is that he would be sterile, and he would also wear a mask and gloves so as not to contaminate anyone (even his girlfriend Burnin, (She kind of cheats, even though he warns her not to get contaminated by his radiation., in my radioactive Lukah AU, she has a green flame quirk, Her green flames, in this au, have a temperature of 2,000°C).
In this AU too, Radioactive Lukah needs to eat about 12,500 calories every day, and with each meal, he needs to ingest a pill, which makes him transform all the food he eats and the drink he consumes, transforms it into plutonium/uranium, many find it strange that he ingests this, however it serves as fuel for him. He only takes one pill while he is eating, every 20 days, and it does him not harm him.
His radiation quirk would have two stages, the first stage, which would be normal, would be the green color, the radiation in green color, it releases a lot of radiation, however thanks to his hero costume, and his containment items, this prevents radiation from leaking, except when he is sweating, drooling, bleeding or crying, he would be releasing radiation. And if he is not wearing containment items (in casual clothes), people may experience severe headaches, nausea and may have radiation poisoning effects.
The second way, of his quirk (which would be his total awakening), is that instead of green, it becomes blue (I was inspired by Godzilla's atomic breath, I love it so much!), The radiation doesn't become quite as cool, but it does become hotter and more destructive, reaching the level of 9,500°C. However, he can only activate this mode, in moments of rage, if he has saved his calorie reserve for this. It would be a version of the blue super Saiyan, but a radioactive/atomic version.
He is resistant to his own radiation and radiation poisoning.
Just like the plasma quirk, he knows how to handle his quirk well, especially since he discovered that he can fly with his quirk.
In this AU, I also thought about when he breathed CO2, a little more toxic air would come out of him every time he exhaled, and whoever was nearby without a mask would suffer from coughing and Severe migraines, which is why he always wears a mask... And the fact that he wears gloves is to prevent him from contaminating anything with the radiation that comes from them.
His footprints and fingerprints always glow in the dark, and also, in his quirk's full awakening mode (atomic blue mode), it makes his entire Muscles/bones(of ALL his body) in Full glow(To give you an idea, it would be like Teka's GODMODE, Oc from ackerbang on Instagram, I love her art)
Originally also... I thought he was a humanoid volcano(Volcano AU) let's say, he had a quirk similar to Teka's, but instead of being Russian, he was Hawaiian/Indonesian, and he would have Hands/wrists and shins/feet, hair also in obsidian purple (color code #110d1d), and with orange details, because it would be a mix between obsidian/lava running through his body, he would also have a GODMODE(Like Teka), but he part of his body would glow electric blue, and make his muscles/bones glow completely, he would have access to more lava manipulation (through the Earth's core), and he would be Very strong. His eyes and hair color remain the same (only his hair changes color, due to excessive use of his quirk), but his eye color remains bright lava blue (#2d5069)
Lukah visited his mother every 2 weeks, he brought lavender with him, as it is a sign of his favorite flowers since he was a child.
Enji tried to train him forcibly, but it was at that moment that he awakened his quirk, and it caused a big shock and burn in Enji's arm, which made Enji scared and proud at same time.
Lukah went to visit his mother at age 18 for the first time, when it was 1 year after he graduated from UA, he cried, because he remembered, how his adoptive mother treats him, and even he Having no memories of his biological parents, he accepted his adoptive family with much love.
Lukah is very proud of Shoto, and says that Shoto could become a very promising hero in the future, and be a great hero.
Touya had told his identity to Lukah, when Lukah had acted as a spy for the heroes, acting like an "anti-hero"... Dabi had said a sentence, which made Lukah realize that Dabi was Touya, before Lukah said that he missed his older brother, Touya told him: "I don't want you to recognize me for now, I really know that you miss me, but I don't want many people to know, not even members of our family, I just want you to know, for now." After Lukah's mission was over, the villains didn't suspect that he was a hero (especially Twice and Toga). Lukah made a promise to Touya that he wouldn't tell Endeavor, who saw him, and Lukah told Touya that his "father" would know the day Dabi truly revealed himself as Touya.
Lukah stayed for 3 years as a Pro Hero, then began acting as a vigilante, at Endeavor's agency, where he met Burnin, and Burnin began to take an interest in him, and the two started to like each other (romantically).
Lukah gave Burnin an engagement ring on her birthday (when he was 22), and Burnin almost cried over the gift.
I'm thinking about making a dialogue of a gender swapped AU involving Burnin and Lukah, especially when the two met for the first time(The relationship of the two in the opposite gender is Tall Girl Short boy and Amazon and short guy, an example couple that would be them, in the opposite gender, would be Fix It Felix and his wife Calhoun).
No matter the AU (Radioactive, Volcano), Lukah's eyes will always glow, it's a detail that I always like a lot, and I like glowing eyes (as a form of intimidation).
I have three planned AUs of Lukah: Normal(Plasma), Radioactive, Volcano and Genderbend.
The main difference between these four AUs is that in the AU where he has the volcano quirk, it is his ethnicity that changes, and what also changes is his story when he was young, in these three AUs... And... In the genderbend AU, I was thinking of, let's say, Fem!Lukah, she who decided to become a heroine, to follow a path far from being a model (like her adoptive mother Enko and her Adoptive maternal grandfather Takeo), and in this AU she meets Male!Burnin in the AU, and Burnin, as a short guy, he is enchanted by Fem!Lukah's muscles, height and unusual beauty(Love at first sight XD)
Lukah in his normal version (male), has a feminine appearance, but in the genderbend version, he has a masculine appearance, and not a genderbend version, I was kind of inspired by the character from Yeonwoo's innocence: Kang Haesol(It's an excellent Manhwa, I highly recommend it).
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zealousbluebirddeer · 2 months
The dragon's heart
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Endeavor x F!Reader
(Disclaimer ; My inspiration for writing this comes from somewhere but I don't remember 💀 Oh and Hawks is mean in this story, sorry not sorry)
"You have to be kidding me."
There you were, standing in front of a giant glass in a warehouse. Next to you was Burnin, laughing her ass off because of how ridiculous this whole situation was. But it wasn't, not to you. To you, it was a nightmare.
Behind the glass was your boss, the number one hero, occupying most of the space with his massive form. He had been hit by a quirk on his morning patrol, and now he's a dragon.
"How..." You weren't sure what to say, stunned by the literal dragon sleeping in front of you.
"Well, Hawks told us that after their patrol he began to transform. His skin was slowly turning red, his eyes were changing form and he became bigger by the hour."
"Why aren't you worried ? Can he even transform back ?" You asked your friend, worried.
"We...We don't know. We have absolutely no information. He didn't even catch the villain." She admitted, now taking in the seriousness of the situation.
You sighed and you both left the warehouse. For now he was sleeping, and thankfully nobody in Japan knew about this except the agency.
It was difficult for everyone to get back to work. A team of sidekicks took turns watching him until he woke up. You were stuck behind your desk, thinking about what you could possibly do to help.
Truth is, the whole reason why you had been hired was because you knew Touya. You were the same age, but he was cooler than you. You both hanged out at his place most of the time, and you couldn't deny that once or twice you tried to make his father laugh with one of your jokes, to get his attention like the fool you were.
It worked, but when Touya was left for dead you took your distances from the Todorokis. Years later you'd be that funny coffee shop worker that Endeavor knew from somewhere but couldn't put his finger on how. And you planned on keeping it that way.
But one day, you fucked up.
"There you go, on the house." You said, not as cheerfully as you usually would be.
"On the house ? What's the occasion ?" Endeavor took his drink from your hands and looked at you, confused.
"It's the five years anniversary of...something important to me. I just wanted to honor it somehow." You tried to find a sketchy explanation that would work. But you still felt his questioning gaze on you.
"Five years anniversary huh ?" He said, his eyes narrowing. He was trying to figure out what it could be. You weren't wearing any ring, and coincidentally he was having the exact same five years anniversary today. Except he did nothing for it. And then his eyes widened as he looked up to your face.
"Y/N ?"
Shit, you thought. You never wore your name tag when he came around. That means he found out by himself.
"Y-Yeah, it's me..." You looked down with a guilty expression.
Surprisingly, he invited you over for old time's sake. Fuyumi cried. A lot. Shoto forgot about you and Natsuo tried to act cool but he was secretly looking forward to seeing you again.
And seeing how you managed to make his kids happy, he hired you as his personal assistant to keep you around. On paper, you had tons of responsibilities. Organizing his schedule, helping him with paperwork and managing reports of sidekicks.
In reality, you had absolutely nothing to do. You quickly realized that he already had a secretary, leaving you with almost no daily tasks. Thankfully you still went to every meetings with him and helped when he needed assistance with something.
Oh, and your paycheck was higher than his secretary's. That's why you didn't have many friends in his agency. Burnin had been kind enough to show you around on your first day and now you're friends. You think.
"Earth to Y/N ! Are you listening to me ?"
You snapped back to reality when you heard Burnin calling you. You looked up and saw her...And Hawks.
"Sorry, I was...preoccupied." You said, looking back at the blank sheet of paper you were supposed to write on.
"Yeah, well we're all preoccupied doll." You could sense sarcasm and a hint of annoyance in Hawk's voice.
"Leave her alone, Hawks." Burnin crossed her arms as she gave him a disapproving look. Then she looked back at you.
"He woke up, and he's pissed."
(First ever post on tumblr, be prepared for a ton of parts for this story.)
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I wonder how Enji would react to the "Endeavor adopts reader" fics. Because I'm sure he's flattered that someone out there thinks he's a good father figure. But like, he knows better.
Oh God wait. How do his KIDS react to those kinds of fics? Are they annoyed by the inconsistencies about their fic counterparts? This is hilarious to think about.
Honestly by this point Enji is kinda in the frame of mind of like. He's had enough encounters with the kids he low-key adopts (Hawks, Burnin) where it's like 'god I am not a good father figure PLEASE raise your standards!' that he kinda realizes that most people who see him as a father figure really are looking for the bare minimum 'adult man who cares about me unconditionally' because they don't have that in their lives.
So yeah he realizes that the kids writing this shit are probably in bad situations and that he might not be the /best/ father but he's still better than what some people have. (For the record: these ones aren't the fics getting dunked on. It's other fics).
His actual kids have mixed feelings on this whole thing because of the whole 'oh well people have it worse so is my trauma really /that/ valid?' thing but no, no. What happened to them was still very bad and they have every right to be fucked up about it and they have every right to not forgive their father and the only reason they do is because he's worked to fix things and cleared up any miscommunications that had made things worse. But yeah being forced to confront the fact that even at his worst, Enji was better than what some people had? Kinda sucks so they don't think about it too often.
Now! As for thoughts on actual characterization!
It's kinda funny because characterization on some of them depends on when it was written? Like.
While people /know/ that Endeavor has a wife and kids, and there's been some pictures in the media when they're out together and such, none of them are really in the media enough for anyone to glean info into their personalities.
But this is CC so we get Toya becoming a Hero, so as he is in the media more people get a better grasp on his personality. Same with Shoto later down the line. Rei also gets her own publicity re: the vtuber thing so people get more of her as well. But this happens at different times so depending on when the fic is written people would have different grasps on them. Meanwhile, Fuyumi and Natsuo are pretty unknown and everyone's just gotta make up their personalities and interests.
And as this is Fandom™, you KNOW there's going to be common interpretations of them that got popular and are 'basically canon'.
that said, a lot of what is being written is from. Ya know. Wish fulfillment from teens in shitty homelives wanting to be magically whisked away. So often their fictional counterparts are going to be portrayed as good people who are comforting to the new addition and are also part of the 'wanting a support system' thing, though tweaked to the specific needs of the child writing this. At /worst/ you might have fics of the kids being younger and 'upset that daddy's not paying attention to them anymore' but fics where the kids are like 10+ would have them more chill.
Rei gets a kick out of reading the Endeavor x Reader fics just to see how they deal with her existence. Is it an affair? Do they kill her off? Do they make her some raging bitch that he divorces? Do they go full Reba? It's funniest when they just don't address her at all.
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siren-mic · 1 year
Uhh. Next round we got:
Aizawa Shouta/Present Mic (X)
Aizawa Shouta/Present Mic/Shirakumo Oboro (IV)
Aizawa Shouta/Shirakumo Oboro (III)
Ashido Mina/Hagakure Tooru (I)
Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako (I)
Bakusquad Polycule (I)
Dabi/Takami Keigo (VI)
Edgeshot/Best Jeanist (III)
Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku (II)
Kaminari Denki/Jirou Kyoka (II)
Kaminari Denki/Tokoyami Fumikage (I)
Kayama Nemuri/Fukukado Emi (II)
Kirishima Eijirou/Bakugou Katsuki (IV)
Kurogiri/Mr Compress (II)
Midoriya Inko/Bakugou Mitsuki/Bakugou Masaru (I)
Midoriya Inko/Todoroki Rei (I)
Miruko/Burnin' (II)
Miruko/Todoroki Fuyumi (IV)
Monoma Neito/Aoyama Yuga (I)
Mr Compress/Twice (II)
Shigaraki Tomura/Dabi (IV)
Shigaraki Tomura/Dabi/Takami Keigo (I)
Shinsou Hitoshi/Kaminari Denki (IV)
Shinsou Hitoshi/Midoriya Izuku (II)
Shirakumo Oboro/Present Mic (I)
Todoroki Shouto/Bakugou Katsuki (II)
Todoroki Shouto/Iida Tenya (I)
Todoroki Shouto/Tokoyami Fumikage (I)
Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako (II)
Togata Mirio/Amajiki Tamaki (V)
Tokage Setsuna/Ashido Mina (I)
Yaoyorozu Momo/Jirou Kyoka (III)
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yugiohz · 6 months
thoughts on fuyumi x burnin'. thoughts on miruko x burnin' (burnbunny).
I don’t like burnin 👍
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silentmagi · 1 year
Delinquent Vigilante!Izumi AU: Burnin x Fuyumi in "Understanding"
They reached an understanding. Burnin would move in with Fuyumi to a new apartment, and join the pro heroes. Fuyumi in turn would turn over evidence to release Burnin from her contract with Endeavor.
Quid pro quo and everyone wins... except Endeavor, but who cares about him?
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heroic-endeavors · 3 months
Let's Play "Would You Ship This?"
Natsuo x Burnin’
Fuyumi x Burnin’
Natsuo x Hawks
Fuyumi x Hawks
When it comes to Burnin' I have a hard time picturing Natsuo really taking much of an interest in her. Fuyumi on the other hand I can see some potential. [I feel Enji wouldn't be too thrilled over the idea.]
With Hawks on the other hand. I can see it being possible with either one of them. Though I also lean a bit towards Fuyumi in this case I can see it being possible with Natsuo. [Though Natsuo would be a bit annoyed to learn how much a simp Keigo really is but it might be too late at that point.]
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justajuicyfan · 2 years
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@bnhavalkyries Day One - Dark Fantasy
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randombook4idk · 3 years
I like this crackship
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
after a request:
reblog for larger sample size!
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epickiya722 · 6 months
Maybe it's just me, but it's so... I don't even know how to describe it.
It's just something to me that I'll see posts like "these are two different ships" and the ships is just one ship with parts of the name switched around.
I'll use MoeRumi for example! It implies that Burnin (Moe Kamiji) is the dominant one and Miruko (Rumi Usagiyama) is the submissive one because Burnin's name comes first.
Switch it around and it's RumiMoe. Miruko the dominant one and Burnin the submissive one.
Either way... it's still the same ship. The same two characters are still involved, right? The only thing that changed is the dynamic of the ship. Not the characters. The dynamic, the positions of who is top and who is bottom.
Two different ships would be MoeRumi and FuyuRumi (Fuyumi x Miruko). That's two different ships right there.
Honestly, though what gets me when people assign who is who in those positions, the way it's done is... eh...
Example being "the tall one has to be the one", as if short people can't be dominant. (Cruel)
Another "darker skin one is the dominant one". That's a big problem. Because usually when people display who's the dominant, they're more "aggressive" or "sexual driven" one. Uh... y'all see the issue with this, right?
"This one has more muscles, so they're the dominant one" is another. So... now body types determine the position in the bedroom?
I just gotten to the point that positions in the bedroom between characters is just something I don't care about because in real life, I don't care who takes it and who doesn't.
However the ship name is written, it's still the same two characters to me.
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tonya13art · 4 years
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I have already posted this picture but now I have also finished all the bonus mini-comics so...
Endeavor brought Fuyumi to some Hero party and well someone wasn’t ready to receive so much attention!
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... And, well, someone can’t stop himself from teasing his sister and that leads to...
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... leads to Enji being homophobic. What the hell, Enji?... I really love how his face looks though
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Untenmaru was created to make me suffer by me loving him deeply yet being unable to draw his face properly
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
How about some Burnin x Fuyumi post war angst/comfort?
Oooh, interesting! I’m always here for some rarepairs! You didn’t specify whether you wanted a oneshot or headcanons, but since headcanons are what’s open right now, I went with headcanons! This is a super cute premise, though, so I may write a oneshot adaptation one day. :3 
Burnin’ x Fuyumi Post-War Recovery Headcanons
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Fuyumi has always been the only one of the Todoroki children to consort with her father, even if in limited respects. Thus, she has been to his agency before, when she found herself nearby or wanted to check up on him after a long lapse in communication. As such, she is familiar with many of his sidekicks-- but the fiery Moe Kamiji, who went by the moniker Burnin’, has always been her favorite. Somehow, Fuyumi’s mellow personality meshes well with the excitable woman’s, so she finds herself forming a fast friendship with her. They spent a lot of time together leading up to the eventful March, whether it was Fuyumi inviting her to a nice brunch or Moe dragging her to seedy dance clubs on a Saturday night... Thus, after the horrifying war between heroes and villains, Fuyumi has many people to worry about-- including Moe. 
After checking in with her family, Fuyumi rushes to see Moe, who has also sustained serious injuries due to the prolonged fight. Fuyumi bursts in to see the woman nursing a broken leg alongside various other bumps, scrapes, bruises, and lacerations. Fuyumi rushes to her side immediately, tears springing to her eyes as she grasps Moe’s hand. 
“Moe! Are you all right? You look terrible...” she whimpered, eyebrows furrowed as her troubled gaze drinks in the sorry state she’s in. Moe gives the teacher a lopsided grin, but the strain shows in her face. 
“Wow, thanks-- and here I thought I was having a great hair day,” the hero jokes, tossing a lock of her flaming hair from her face. Unamused, Fuyumi just frowns. 
“I’m serious...” Fuyumi whispers, running her hand over Moe’s exposed arm. Her fingertips feel the scratches and bruises and scrapes where smooth skin once was, and it sends her belly churning in worry. The tears spill over the rims of her eyes to roll down her cheeks, which have grown ruddy with sorrow. “I was so worried about everyone...” 
“Hey,” Moe croons, using her other arm to gently caress Fuyumi’s cheek. “I’m okay, Fuyumi. Really, especially now that you’re here.” Fuyumi leans into her touch, blinking sorrowfully at her. Moe’s fingers gently stroke her cheek, and without thinking, they are both leaning forward until Moe’s lips softly brush hers. Then she tenses up, groaning. “Ow... Tweaked my back,” she winces against Fuyumi’s mouth. 
“Oh, dear,” Fuyumi sighs wryly, helping Moe back against the hospital bed. “All of you heroes, always trying to act so tough-- and look where that gets you!” she playfully scolds, bopping Moe on the nose with the tip of her index finger. Still, her smile has widened and her cheeks shine like pink opals, the light having returned to her eyes. 
“Well, it’s always worth it to have beautiful nurses doting on us, right?” Moe teases with a wink, making Fuyumi blush darker. The teacher buries her face into Moe’s belly, thoroughly mortified, while the heroine just guffaws. They talk late into the night about the battle and Moe’s recovery from here, holding each other’s hand tightly like they’re afraid to let go...  
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bnhaconfessions · 5 years
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I want Burnin and Fuyumi to date.
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